Prezentare la conferința eLADDA, Porto, Portugalia

Validarea la clasă a instrumentelor dezvoltate în cadrul proiectului LEMI a fost în centrul studiului „Validating LEMI: A New Readability Tool for Children’s Literature in Romanian”, realizat de Alexandru Oravițan, Mădălina Chitez, Roxana Rogobete, Karla Csürös și Sorin Hagiu, prezentat sub formă de poster în cadrul conferinței „e-LADDA Closing Conference / ELN Pre-Summit Event”, organizată în perioada 18 – 22 octombrie 2023 la Universitatea din Porto, Portugalia.

Posterul poate fi consultat aici.

Rezumatul prezentării:

The increased rates of school dropout and functional illiteracy in Romania are reflected in Romanian students’ poor PISA test results (OECD 2019). Considering this, a team of linguists from the West University of Timișoara, Romania, initiated a research project focusing on the linguistic complexity assessment of the texts that schoolchildren read. The project resulted in the development of LEMI, a literacy support tool which has been created in partnership with representatives from the Romanian school system and an educational NGO. LEMI offers several functionalities, among which: a searchable children’s literature repository and an interface for the automatic assessment of short reading text complexity. This paper showcases the classroom trial stage of the readability levels according to which texts are distributed in the digital repository. By asking children to evaluate the difficulty of the texts we proposed to them and by comparing their evaluation with our automatically generated text complexity reports, we were able to calibrate and consequently validate the readability and complexity formulas designed for the tool’s pilot version. Thus, within the wider frame of tool development, we demonstrate how both linguistic research and user-generated data can be employed to enhance reading motivation and promote autonomous learning among schoolchildren.

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