LEMI Tools

  • 1. LEMI questionnaire

    The LEMI project team created a set of three questionnaires addressed to teachers, parents and primary school pupils (grades 0-IV). The questions focus on assessing the linguistic complexity of the reading materials found in the textbooks used in class, examples of favorite authors and texts as well as reading recommendations. Responses were collected from all target groups involved in reading activities (teachers, parents and pupils), each category providing answers that are interesting to investigate and compare.

    For preliminary results regarding the questionnaire analysis, access the Research section.

    The questionnaires are available in PDF format and can be accessed at the following links (request access code by contacting the LEMI team at: codhus@e-uvt.ro):

    LEMI questionnaire for teachers – Link here

    LEMI questionnaire for parents – Link here

    LEMI questionnaire for pupils – Link here

    The LEMI questionnaire is Creative Commons licensed and can be cited as:

    CC BY-NC-ND: This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. 
    Cite as: Chestionar cadre didactice

    Rogobete, R., Oravițan, A. și Chitez, M. (2023). Chestionar LEMI pentru cadre didactice. Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, România. Disponibil la: https://lemi.projects.uvt.ro/ro/instrumente-lemi/

    Chestionar părinți

    Rogobete, R., Oravițan, A. și Chitez, M. (2023). Chestionar LEMI pentru cadre didactice. Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, România. Disponibil la: https://lemi.projects.uvt.ro/ro/instrumente-lemi/

    Chestionar elevi

    Rogobete, R., Oravițan, A. și Chitez, M. (2023). Chestionar LEMI pentru elevi. Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, România. Disponibil la: https://lemi.projects.uvt.ro/ro/instrumente-lemi/

  • 2. The LEMI Platphorm includes:

    1. The LEMI Digital Repository includes 250 selected children's literature texts, assessed for linguistic complexity and classified by grade level, age and level of complexity.

    The repository can be found under Search (Căutare) here.


    2. Interface for automatic calculation, by uploading short texts (1-3 pages), of the linguistic complexity of the text. This is based on the readability formula for calculating children's literature texts, developed by the LEMI team.

    The interface can be found under Analysis (Analiză) here.


  • 3. Sets of instructions for the use of LEMI instruments

    (work in progress)